About us FAQ Purpose History Purchasers License Agreement Type 1 ecolabel

Summer time!

During the period July 10 - August 11 it can be difficult to reach us at Möbelfakta. Please, contact us via info@mobelfakta.se.

Happy Summer from us at Möbelfakta!

About Möbelfakta

Möbelfakta is a complete reference and labeling system operated by Möbelfakta Sverige AB, a non-profit company.

About Möbelfakta READY

Do you get many questions about your products? Do your customers require a lot of documentation? In that case, Möbelfakta READY may be something for you.

License terms and fees

To declare products a license agreement with Möbelfakta is required.

Why Möbelfakta?

Möbelfakta is a tool for producers, buyers, designers, architects and others who use or work with furniture.


What is Möbelfakta?

Möbelfakta is a unique sustainability label for furniture that takes into account both quality, environment and responsible supply chains. It is a general reference system open to all. Möbelfakta Sverige AB is owned by IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet (IVL) and Trä- och Möbelföretagen (TMF). IVL is the majority owner and guarantees Möbelfakta's independence as a labeling system. A good description of Möbelfakta can be found in this brochure.

How can Möbelfakta be used in public procurement?

The Public Procurement Act (LOU) gives purchasers in Europe the opportunity to use labels as evidence to ensure that a product meets the requirements set. Möbelfakta meets all the conditions set for using the label, see requirements at The National Agency for Public Procurement (Upphandlingsmyndigheten) (In English)

How do you declare furniture with Möbelfakta?

Read more underDeclaring. You find license terms and fees here

What does it take to declare your furniture?

The declaration of a piece of furniture is based on requirements within quality, environment, and responsible supply chain. The required documentation is described in the requirements specification.
A few examples are:
• In quality e.g. test reports from an accredited laboratory
• In environment, e.g. subcontractor certificate
• For the part of responsible supply chain , the company must for example have mapped and made risk assessments in the supply chain.

How do I test my furniture?

First you should contact a testing laboratory. There you get help with how the test should be done. List of accredited testing laboratoriesis found here

Where can I Find Möbelfakta approved products?

All approved products are published on www.mobelfakta.se. You can search by name, producer or declaration number. You get a picture of the product and can see the validity period of the label.

Are there examples of how Möbelfakta meets ISO 14024?

Requirements and verification methods are science-based and are developed in an open and broad stakeholder dialogue with our network and a criteria council with buyers, manufacturers, researchers, academia, architects and technical experts.

Transparent and accessible
Everyone has access to the requirements and verification methods free of charge at www.mobelfakta.se

Challenging requirements that are updated regularly
Möbelfakta's requirements are developed through the influence of both authorities, academia, the regulatory body and the furniture industry. Requirements and verification methods are continuously developed to meet new sustainability challenges and technology development.

Requirements that can be verified by an independent party
It is possible to verify that the requirements are met. All verification is handled by an independent third party auditor. The third party auditor validates his work to deliver repeatable results.

Free from undue influence
The labeling is independent of brand owners and buyers. Möbelfakta Sverige AB has IVL Swedish Environmental Institute as the majority owner and is impartial during the verification process. Möbelfakta uses a third-party auditor for audits at companies.

Möbelfakta is a general reference system open to everyone.

Read more about how Möbelfakta meets the requirements for use as a type 1 eco-label according to ISO 14024.

Eco label in Public Procurement

Read about how Möbelfakta can be used in public procurement. How does type 1 ecolabel work?

Möbelfakta for procurers

Möbelfakta is a tool for procurement. Make the best use of the requirements.


Today, Möbelfakta is run by IVL Swedish Environmental Institute, but the eco-label has roots all the way back to 1951.

Affiliated companies


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