Möbelfakta for procurers
Möbelfakta is a complete system that provides security for you as a purchaser and that helps you create good conditions for sustainable and profitable business. With Möbelfakta, you can easily set well-thought-out requirements. Requirements that guarantee that the furniture achieves the functional and safety level you need, that the production is environmentally friendly at all levels, and that ethical considerations are taken into account during production.
Requirements specification
The document 'Möbelfakta's Requirements Specification' lists all Möbelfakta's requirements. The document can be sent out as part of the tender documents for procurement when you want to use Möbelfakta.
How to use Möbelfakta's requirements?
When you want to use Möbelfakta's requirements in your procurement, this must be clearly stated in the tender documents.
We suggest the following wording:
Offered furniture must meet Möbelfakta's requirements regarding Quality, Environment and Social Responsibility in accordance with Appendix X. *
* Appendix X refers to Möbelfakta's requirements specification for procurement of furniture.
Use the requirements correctly!
Keep in mind that Möbelfakta can only be used for the furniture categories and user environments that are covered by the requirement criteria. Check that the furniture you intend to procure is specified in Möbelfakta's requirements specification for procurement.